Throne of Glass

So tell me, you've heard about this one too right? I did. A lot. Which of course explains why I didn't read until now. Yet the obvious love readers had for the main character here caught my attention along with the fact that she is an assasin, yay, so this past Sunday while at work - I read it all.

Let me tell you more about this.

So here in Mexico we have these things called "Cibers" that basically consist of a decent-sized room with various desktop computers arranged and available, aproximately a dollar an hour (10 pesos). Once upon a time I worked in one of these and this past spring break, I was asked to fill in for a week and a half again if I could. I said yes, which led me to find myself in front of a computer for the whole of Sunday, from 9 am to 9 pm. This may sound like the ideal job, but I had to of course attend strangers (and comunicate with them), be careful of how I used the computer and the internet, as my boss would be checking later and dealing with two little brats, grandchildren of the owner. And, I was unable to eat all throughout.

Anyways, my point is as I had the whole of Sunday practically free and with access to technology nonstop, I decided to read. My choice was as you can see Throne of Glass for many reasons. Nah, just kidding. I was just searching and saw it so was like, "Meh." but - I keep rambling. (I always forget to give a quick summary so here it is.) Celeana is this mother-duckling badass assassin who got captured due to treason, she was being kept as a slave until the Prince decided to have her compete as his Champion in a contest to see who would get to be the King's bitch Champion. She, of course, accepts after a deal that involves her freedom after four years of service. However, as the story begins to trudge along forward, a lot of things begin happening like romantic feelings (egh) and bloody murders. So Celeana finds herself in quite a lot of, uh, schist.

Now, my opinions? To start, I was slightly wary as I knew a lot of people liked it. I was also vaguely aware it was about an assassin and I do love female murderers, again only in books. So I was also mildly excited if I'm honest and so I began it.

As for the characters, I grew really fond of them all really quickly. Celeana is a beautiful character, I'm just really proud of any woman who own her feminine side (as I lack of it) because for so long it has been tied along with "weak" and "fragil". So the fact that Celeana was not only a badass assassin, she was also a woman and totally owned it. Chaol was of course one I almost immediately liked. I have a thing for the sort of relationship he and Celeana have so he was very amusing and I don't know if I'm noe being prejudiced but you could tell he was a good person. Quick question, do you pronounce it like, "coal" or? As for Darian, he had my respect since the moment he opened his mouth, for obvious reasons (assuimg you've read it). I enjoyed his addition to the list of characters as though he was obviously not the perfect prince we all fear and cringe at, he was still good. And this was one of the whole point in the story I think, that humans aren't perfect but we can still be genuinely good. Like Phil. Lester. If you didn't know.

The writing was very smooth and enjoyable, and since the characters were great and made me feel things ranging from cold murder and the want to write fluffy fanfic, I ended up rating this a 4 out of 5 stars on Goodreads. I am quite glad it did not end up being too overhyped, like some others I've tried, and I definitely recomend it to you.

You know, if you enjoy cold-blooded woman who murder for money, bromances but like, in between woman (girlmances? sismances?) and a messy, constant OTP NOTP war inside your head.

- The Bookdragon


I am starting to be more liberal with my words, have you noticed? Do you mind?

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