I started the second book eagerly, I had grown too fond over the characters to not do so. And yet, though I did read it quite quickly, it felt more like I was crawling through it trying to find my way out.
Let me tell you more about this.
Now when I finished this, I was tired as fudge. It was one incident after the other and my emotions just couldn't even. I mean it was fantastic, such a good book, but it would have been nice to get a break every moment or so. Only with TMI had I felt like that when finishing it, and I was so eager to continue when I finished the first one, I basically ran at full speed, headfirst towards a cliff where an ocean of feelings awaited me in the far away below.
Dramatic, I know. But true.
So Celeana gets into more schist, my OTP becomes cannon and evolves into cannot as we also have our first death. Stab me over and call me Josh.
Just so many things happened in this book I sincerely don't even know what to say. What was a recurring thought though, was the clear evolution that we will be witnessing with all the characters. I am quite glad of the varied POV's when usually they annoy me at one point or the other, but as I have grown to care for these and understand how much I can learn from the different perspectives as well, it is definitely one of the decisions I most agree with. What I am also loving is how complicated the main characters seem to be. I love that they all have their own secrets and their own battles constantly at them, it makes the whole thing a lot more interesting, especially to witness in the end how their lives and stories intertwine with one another.
I believe that to be what I most wanted to say about this particular book, I may have forgotten a point or two, though I wouldn't remember if so anyways so let's leave it at that. Very professional, I know. I am of course already reading the third book so await a review of a sort (although should it really be considered that?) sometime this week if you'd like.
This is definitely one you have to get to if you've already read the first one, Throne of Glass. I warn you now though, that your heart will be ripped out of your chest and thrown into a chasm of feels so beware. Don't say I didn't warn you. No one warned me.
- The Bookdragon
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