Destroy Me

Book Cover of 1.5 

So tell me, you've read Shatter Me right? Why else would you be looking at the 1.5 book review?
And now, I am assuming you know Warner (the hot, evil-ish character who has an obsession with Juliette) and how at the end of Shatter Me,


Juliette shoots him with his own gun to be able to run- again- and we are able to see into his mind from that point on.

Well here is what I though about this short story.

I just love how Tahereh writes, like seriously. I don't pay much attention to the writings but this is just simply too beautiful to not comment on. And I think I said this on the Shatter Me review as well, but I mean come on! You know it's true. To be in Warner's mind is so bizarre. It's so different from Juliette's that it was somewhat disorienting but I got used to it. And I was happy to be inside his head. Though his head is not somewhere happy to be.

I was able to see his real feelings, and his real intentions. And though it was slightly depressing, it also managed to creat that empathy I needed and I kinda new he deserved as a character.

Ok, so Warner just got shot and almost died and his father asshole arrives as well, and starts bullying him like we now know he's done for his entire 19 years of life. The Supreme Commander ignorant bastard starts making the calls and we see Warner fall from the untouchable leader to the loyal and extremely disciplined son who will take a choke-hold (or something like that) in silence.

In this book, my respect for Warner grows a lot. And I was glad he found Juliette's notebook as well. I mean, I ship Adam and Juliette, but I can't get over how strong (though misdirected) his feelings are for her. And I understand him perfectly. And I know he's wrong in wanting her because she suffered the same as him.

But I still have to finish the series so I guess it's ok for now. I should really conclude instead of just babbling on so basically: If you enjoyed Shatter Me and have time to spare, read Destroy Me. It'll be a quick but excellent read and it'll help you understand things so much more.

It really is a good book.

- The Bookdragon

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