A Court of Wings and Ruin

So here's the thing. Remember how I said I would be moving back to the US? Well I'm back. This means I have to start from scratch again so no computer for me. Again. You'll just have to do with all these posts coming written on the app that, let me tell you, isn't very impressive. No offense app developers. You just can't do much. No worries though it is merely for like, the rest of the year but we'll make it work. Just wanted to let you know.

To the reviewing.

I don't know. I don't know anything really. Except, that's this is what killed me. Yeah. That's right. This is a ghost talking... Well, typing into her phone at 1:30 in the morning because who needs sleep when you're dead. Right?

What a magnificent book, let me tell you. It may or may not be a blur with the deceiving and the war-ing, etc, etc. Still it was a blast.

Now regarding the characters, there really is nothing new to tell you I believe. They were all great of course but I don't recall anything remarkable from this particular book. I at first didn't like the addition of Feyre's sisters but then I quite liked seeing their character development. It was pretty magnificent seeing them each strong and special in their own way and at their own time.

The whole thing with their was freaking mind-blowing and his three ships with the names of his daughters had me crying. Sad he died but I would have killed him too. What happened with Tamlin, I suppose must be enough to bring closure. Which is fine, he was a whirlwind of feels anyway with his saving her and helping save Ryhsand. Which, by the way, killed me as well even though I knew he wasn't going to stay dead (Supernatural really helps you with the stuff).

Now, this wasn't the last book. There is still more to come. I cannot possibly imagine what more can happen to the love of my life and Feyre, but I'm sure Sarah J Maas already has found new ways to torture us all. Let us all be merrily expectant.

- Vanessa