Now I am kinda sorry for being so blunt and perhaps not very classy.
But. When my opinions are strong, and in defense, I don't usually care for
I have a few thoughts going on about fangirls and the way society has
perceived them, and where else to show them if not here.
So as you know, I am a fangirl. This means a lot of things of course. I
am passionate, dedicated, mildly obsessive, I have an unhealthy relationship
with fictional characters (the fact that they're fictional is the unhealthy
part) and maybe not all, but I personally am quite antisocial. That's why I
find myself here, talking to you random strangers on the internet. I don't mind
talking, not really, I mind talking to people and having to
"socialize". This may be because of childhood traumas, this may be
just my personality. Whatever the case, you will see me awake at 4 a.m. in the
morning, watching a movie, reading a book, watching a show, listening to music,
and occasionally actually sleeping.
Now, I understand the problem is the same one as regarding the whole
feminism thing. People don't really understand what it is, or we have different
definitions of what it is, if you will. Admittedly feminism is much more exact.
What a fangirl is? What she does? What she stands for? It varies a lot but the
general idea is there.
The general idea of the world is that a fangirl is someone who is too
controlled by her emotions, is incapable of rational thought when regarding the
topic or person of her interest, is much too intense and just ridiculous as she
embarrasses herself and those around her. I, surprisingly enough, do not agree
with it. Maybe you don't either. This is probably because, we know better.
For a long time I didn't know about the term fangirl. I didn't know
about fandoms. It was like four years ago so I can hardly remember a time when
those terms weren't such a big part of my life, but once they arrived, I knew
what they stood for. If only, what they meant for me.

So if you consider to be a fangirl derogatory, or if you try to use
this as an insult? Please direct me towards the person first, then I will
proceed to punch you, and then I will invite to some coffee this brilliant
person be it fangirl or fanboy, who I am sure has more love to offer in one
cell than you have in your whole body. It will be awesome and I may possibly
join new fandoms - fantastic, as 10 would say.
So, yeah. Insult a fangirl in front of me. I dare you. I double dare
- Vanessa Z. M.
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